November 11, 2010

Day Light Saving and The Time Zones

OMG...Its so confusing eventhough there are tatics of handling all that...But eventhough thats the case I have bugged my partner, hell lot of time until I had my hands on the Day Light Saving calculation and the varied times zones at United States Of America...While I was working in India, I was familiar to this Day Light Saving & varied Time Zone funda evenif I felt pretty awkward..But we didnt have the problem of turning the clock an hour ahead or an hour later...We had clocks in our bays which told wht time it was in which part of the world as per our client locations, i.e like Japan,Philipinnes,California,New York & Chicago...No confusion at all...In India,the whole of the nation falls under one time zone usually referred to as IST (Indian Standard Time) and no Day Light Saving funda...

So many a times I pondered why,when and how Day Light Saving got it existance ???Thank God !!! Google helped me resolve my quest and then I opened myself in a world of numerous answers to Day Light Saving...Basically this convention of DST is of advancing clocks so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn.The birth of this idea was first brought by the author of the proverb, "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise",i.e Benjamin Franklin but Londoner William Willet pushed this idea to Great Britain...According to the American English "Spring forward,Fall back" (also "spring ahead ...", "spring up ...", and "... fall behind") helps people remember which direction to shift clocks.For further queries,I just love this site which resolves my quest on DST :- Hope it resolves urs also...
And one more interesting fact I got to know "Arizona State" does not observe Daylight Saving Time , except in the Navajo Nation, located in the northeastern region of the state.And even got to know that India once upon a time used Daylight Saving Time,chk this out :-

Now coming to the varied Times Zones Of United States Of America...They are catagorised into 6 types :-
1)Eastern Standard Time,EST
2)Central Standard Time,CST
3)Mountain Standard Time, MST
4)Pacific Standard Time, PST
5)Alaska Standard Time, ASKT
6)Hawaii-Aleutian Time, HST

The EAST believes in changing oneself as per the TIME and scriptures speak how powerful is TIME or the so-called "MUHURAT" plays a distinctive role in deciding every stage in an indiviual,right from his birth till death...But, then the WEST, where TIME is switched on and off as per the indiviual ease or the federal laws ...So ultimately its the humans here on this part trying to bind TIME in their clutches by changing time on clocks, watches,... Many computer-based systems can shift their clocks automatically when DST starts and finishes, based on their time zone settings. Thanks to "zoneinfo" and "Microsoft Windows".Its sounds awful turning your watch when you travel across USA and in Spring lose an hour of sleep but sounds great in Autumn through winter to get an extra hour to grab ur sleep...

With many of my questions answered yet I find it to be ambiguous eventhough the ambiguity have been answered with the help of varied explanations and justified reasons yet still I have this: hadn't been there no Daylight Saving, then wht ???And why do a single nation (like USA) have so many time zones, can't there be just one time zone, whtz the need ???

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